
Sorry about that dude... I was just excited. (I only uploaded this because I can't get it to play on my PC correctly for some reason.)


Here's a clip from Drycast Episode 12 in early 2015 - which was Dys and I just doing our best to bar listeners from through the sheer power of cringe white male cultural conversation - that I actually meant to dig out two weeks ago for the sake of my bit on The Social Dilemma's exhaustingly misleading narrative regarding "privacy," but... Fuckin' Forgot (It is a delusion, which is fine.)


On October 19th, 2011, while recording for the first Drywall album, Hamura, I destroyed my friend's sound card and was lucky enough to capture it in Audacity. The track is called "WE CAN'T GO IN CIRCLES BECAUSE OF LOCUSTS AND HOMOPHOBES THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS BUT MY SISTER WENT TO COLLEGE" and can be found in full on the Drywall Bandcamp page.


Hillary Clinton mentioned The Social Dilemma on Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend... Very briefly.


Facebook чертовски сумасшедший, и я отчаянно хочу умереть.


I've been getting voicemails like this recently and I have no idea what to do.


Rough draft.


My review of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" from 3 years ago, brought to life thanks to G U R G L E. https://extratone.com/star-wars-the-force-awakens-review


Drake presents his unruly university class with a startling proposal...

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